Bespoke Jewellery Manual - A Step By Step Guide

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If you want to take a deeper dive in the engagement ring design process, READ THIS POST

There are a few things to think about when designing any jewellery from scratch, but especially an engagement ring. This article goes into a little more detail.

Essentially you need the design to match your lifestyle For example, are you active or not?Do you like antique or modern designs? Do you want one bigger stone and lots of little stones, or a combination? Do you know your finger size?

We'll cover this throughout the process, but it's good to get your thinking cap on!

Where can I find inspiration?

The two things I'd recommend you do if you're looking for a custom made engagement ring is to take a look around. Visit some jewellers (get your finger sized) and see what styles you feel comfortable wearing.

Start thinking about the position of the stone, for example is the stone held by claws, or in a rub over setting (a continuous piece of metal around)) as well as the thickness of the metal.

It's also important to pay attention to the size. You might have all the money in the world to spend on this, but if you don't like wearing big jewellery, it's good to know that from the start!

The second place I would suggest you look is on Here you could happily waste hours, getting inspired. Build your own boards as you go, so you can show your designer.

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Tags: Bespoke